

BARQ Systems | Update : Continuity of Service

We are committed to ensuring that we continue to support business and technical needs of your organization, including but not limited to:

  • Human Resources: Aggressive health and sanitary policies implemented and applying Governmental and WHO protocols to avoid spread of the virus through BARQ Systems office, employees, families, and customers.

  • Support Infrastructure: Our support center have shifted to remote/virtual operations and are working to ensure the customer experience is as seamless as possible, meanwhile onsite installation and on-site support are available by our teams unless a curfew is applied with the local authorities.

  • Flexibility: As with any best-in-class organization, we are able to perform functions, systems monitoring, and projects implementations remotely.

  • Supply Chain: We are working very closely with our global, regional & local suppliers to ensure availability and normal operations are not adversely impacted due to worldwide transport challenges and precautionary procedures that they will have to put into place for containing this worldwide epidemic. With that in mind we do expect significant delays in cargo movements and customs clearance.

  • Technical Solutions: Now many businesses all around the globe need to minimize their employees’ exposure during the pandemic while considering business continuity measures by assessing critical applications to ensure their availability and scale capacity for remote access resources required for employees working remotely, we provide The Secure Socket Layer - Virtual Private Network (SSL-VPN) solution to our customers which is the single most important link in your remote work chain, It ensures a higher level of security and safety between the remote worker and the business.

    If you have any inquiries, please reach us on marketing@barqsystems.com